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In Development Now...

The Treeline Academy is preparing to deliver the most comprehensive and innovative bear-hunting resource ever created.  Ryan Lampers, Brian Call, and Mark Livesay have combined their combined decades of expertise to bring you the ultimate western bear hunting resource.

This comprehensive course will revolutionize the way western hunters approach their bear pursuits.

If you are looking to radically expand your bear hunting knowledge, improve your ability to find places that attract and hold bears, and ultimately create a hunt planning strategy that will elevate your success you are in the right place.

Western black bear hunting opportunities are plentiful, and the tags are relatively easy to obtain. However, educational resources for hunting and finding bears have been limited until now. Black bears are more abundant today than at any time during the last century. Bears are thriving, and as bear hunters, we are living during the best of times.

The Western Bear Hunting Course will cover all styles of spring and fall western bear hunting, e-scouting methods, pursuit tactics, hunt planning strategies, and more! Far too often bear hunters waste valuable time and effort looking for bears in areas that simply don’t have bears, and worse don’t have the features that are attractive to bears.

Whether you're an experienced bear hunter or just starting out, this course will provide you with the tools and resources you need to become a more efficient, effective, and successful bear hunter.

The Treeline Academy is completely focused on the continual search for knowledge that will help you refine and elevate your Western big hunting skill set. This course is another extension of that mission.

Launch Notice & Exclusive Discount Opportunity

Don't miss out on the opportunity to elevate your bear hunting skills with the Next Level Western Bear Hunting Course. Be the first to know when it launches by signing up now and receive an exclusive introductory discount. 

Yes, I want The Launch Notice & Discount

40+ Educational Modules

  • Realities Of Bear Hunting
  • ​​Limitations & Expectations
  • ​​Bear Hunting Styles & Techniques
  • ​​State, Method, & Applications
  • ​​Basic Needs Of Bears
  • ​​Understanding Topography
  • ​Evaluating The Zones Of Pressure
  • ​Stream & River Analayis
  • ​Custom E-Scouting Markups
  • ​​Identifying Core Bear Hunting Areas
  • ​​Mastering Technology Tools
  • ​​Developing A Strategic Bear Hunt Plan
  • ​​Bear Finding Concepts
  • ​​Spring Snow Cover, Depth & Melt Analysis
  • ​​​Proofing Glassing Locations
  • ​Gear Recommendations

  • Google Earth Pro Unleashed
  • ​Developing A Strategic Bear Hunt Plan
  • ​Bear Hunting Tactics
  • ​Setting Bear Hunt Zones
  • ​Scheduling​ Bear Hunts
  • ​​Evaluating Bear Sign
  • ​​Calling Bears
  • ​​Sizing Bears
  • ​​Bear Baiting
  • ​​Spot & Stalk Methodology
  • ​​Bear Behavior
  • ​​Shot Placement
  • ​​Field Care & Skinning Bears
  • ​​Bear Meat Considerations
  • ​Recipes And Cooking Methods
  • ​​​Bear Hunting Resources

While you are waiting on the launch notice, check out some of our Gritty Films spring bear hunts, the Spring Bear Webinar, and several bear hunting podcasts!

Spring Bear Webinar

Members of the Treeline Academy E-Scouting Elk & Hunt Planning Course have full access to this webinar! This is a fantastic two-part, two-hour webinar on some advanced e-scouting techniques for spring bears.

When hunting spring bears, choosing the right elevation band and understanding snow cover, depth and melt is mission critical.

This webinar will help break down the spring snow melt and zero in on those specific elevations that are likely to hold bears. 

Available Now!

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E-Scouting Bears With Mark Livesay

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All About Bear Hunting with Brian Call, Ryan Lampers and Mark Livesay

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E-Scouting Tactics For Bears

First Two Toolkit Modules Are Free

  • No Fee To Sign Up
  • ​Full Map Toolkit Introduction
  • ​Detailed Review Of Each Dataset Included With The Toolkits
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What Do The Western Hunting Experts Say

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Cody Rich

The Rich Outdoors Podcast | Backcountry Fuel Box

"I have interviewed hundreds of hunters and most of the best big game hunters in the world. The one thing they all have in common is their ability to plan a hunt and their efficiency in the hills. Mark Livesay is hands down the best E-scouting guru I have ever met, and this course will help you layout a game plan that will absolutely take your hunting to the next level.  His course is underpriced and quite possibly the best information ever put together on the topic."

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Ryan Lampers

Western Hunting Summit | Sthealthy Products

"Time is of utmost importance when taking on big hunts each and every season. A detailed Hunt Plan combined with a E-Scouting system is a game changer. Consistent success just doesn’t happen, which is why the Treeline Academy E-Scouting MasterClass is so incredibly helpful when planning an elk hunt. September is short. Prepare, know before you go and eliminate wasting that precious mountain time."

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Brian Barney

Eastmans Elevated Podcast

"Mark Livesay has developed the best comprehensive resource to build a successful hunt plan. He has broken down how to dissect a unit and find productive elk habitat. E-scouting is one of the most crucial skills to learning new spots and this program will take it to a higher level."

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The Treeline Academy is here to help the western hunter elevate their skill sets to improve the odds of success.
